Το έτος 2010 παρουσίασε διασκεδαστική και προκλητική ιστορίες σχετίζονται με το ποδόσφαιρο σε κάποια από τα μεγαλύτερα ονόματα στο παγκόσμιο ποδόσφαιρο. Από την εξαπάτηση σκάνδαλα στις ειδήσεις του Παγκοσμίου Κυπέλλου, καθώς και από τις μεταβιβάσεις σύλλογο σε εκπλήξεις ποδοσφαιρικό σύλλογο, τους τελευταίους 12 μήνες μόλις παρουσίασα μια σειρά από searing ιστορίες.
Σε αυτό το μη κατάταξης το άρθρο, θα συγκεντρώσει διάφορα γένη των νημάτων ποδοσφαίρου που έκανε τα πρωτοσέλιδα το 2010. Η συλλογή των 100 Top Stories του έτους προφανώς απαιτεί μια αξιοπρεπή οργάνωσης έτσι ώστε να διευκολύνει την κατασκευή της λίστας και να αποφευχθεί η αντιπαράθεση. Στην πραγματικότητα, αυτό είναι χωρισμένη σε 20 κατηγορίες, που αποτελούνται από τις 20 διαφορετικές διοργανώσεις και φύλα των αναφερόμενων στα πρωτοσέλιδα των εφημερίδων.
Δεδομένου ότι το Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο του 2010 ήταν το πιο σημαντικό θέμα το ποδόσφαιρο της χρονιάς, οι αναγνώστες μπορεί να παρατηρήσει ότι το θέμα αυτό αποτελεί το μεγαλύτερο μέρος αυτού του άρθρου. Άλλα θέματα, όπως το Champions League, ποδοσφαιρικές μεταγραφές, και σκάνδαλα εξαπάτησης αποτελέσει τελικά το υπόλοιπο της λίστας, με διάφορους άλλους σχετίζεται με το ποδόσφαιρο θέματα.
Champions League: Barcelona 4-1 Arsenal
Μετά το εντυπωσιακό σχέδιο 2-2 στο Emirates στους προημιτελικούς του Τσάμπιονς Λιγκ την περασμένη σεζόν, ο Φάμπρεγκας-κάτω πλευρά της Αρσεναλ ήταν έτοιμη να σταματήσει FC Barcelona στο Camp Nou. Η Gunners πήρε αμφιλεγόμενα το προβάδισμα μέσω Nicklas Bendtner, αλλά ο αγώνας μετατράπηκε σύντομα σε εφιάλτη για το στρατό του Arsene Wenger.
Μια uncontainable Lionel Messi απάντησε αμέσως να βάλει Βαρκελώνη πίσω στο παιχνίδι, και από τη στιγμή που ο διαιτητής φύσηξε το τελικό σφύριγμα, Μέσι είχε σκοράρει ήδη 4 γκολ σήμα κατατεθέν για να συντρίψει τους επισκέπτες 4-1 και σπρώξτε Barca στα ημιτελικά της διοργάνωσης.
Champions League: Inter Milan 3-1 Barcelona
Που του αρέσει ο Ζοζέ Μουρίνιο, Πεπ Γκουαρντιόλα, Lionel Messi, Xavi, Ζλάταν Ιμπραΐμοβιτς, Samuel Eto'o, Σνάιντερ, Lucio, Maicon, Dani Alves, Κάρλος Πουγιόλ και άλλους σημαντικούς παράγοντες-το πρώτο σκέλος της Ίντερ vs Βαρκελώνη αγώνα στον ημιτελικό του Champions League της UEFA την περασμένη σεζόν δεν θα μπορούσε να είναι ένα συνηθισμένο ένα.
Αντί να τελειώνει όμορφα όμως, τα αποτελέσματά της προκάλεσε σοβαρές διαφωνίες μεταξύ των οπαδών των δύο πλευρών. Φυσικά, η κύρια πηγή των λεκτικών πολέμου ανάμεσα στις δύο ομάδες ήταν ο διαιτητής.
Pedro της Barca άρπαξε πρώτα το ανοιχτήρι, αλλά αμφιλεγόμενες αποφάσεις από τις επίσημες επέτρεψε τελικά Σνάιντερ, Maicon, και Ντιέγκο Μιλίτο να δώσει Ίντερ υψηλό πλεονέκτημα ενόψει του δεύτερου σκέλους του εξαρτήματος του.
Champions League: Barcelona 1-0 Inter
Το πρώτο σκέλος αυτής της αγώνα στο κύπελλο πρωταθλητριών του περασμένου έτους ημιτελικά League προκάλεσαν οπαδοί της Βαρκελώνης για να επιτεθεί παράνομα Πορτογαλικά προπονητή Ζοζέ Μουρίνιο. Με μια τέτοια κακή συμπεριφορά από τους οπαδούς Barca, οι άνδρες Pep Guardiola που ήξεραν ότι έπρεπε να κερδίσει, έτσι ώστε να κρυώσει η ένταση.
Πράγματι, το έπραξαν αμφιλεγόμενα, αλλά ένα γκολ από τον Gerard Pique δεν ήταν αρκετό για να σώσει το Λος Cules. Στο τέλος, που υπέκυψε από τον ανταγωνισμό, όπως τις ελπίδες τους για την άρση της τρόπαιο του Champions League για δεύτερη συνεχόμενη φορά τελείωσε.
The year 2010 presented entertaining and sizzling football stories related to some of the biggest names in world football. From cheating scandals to World Cup news, and from club transfers to club football surprises, the last 12 months have just presented a host of searing stories.
In this non-ranking article, we gather various genders of football yarns which made the headlines in 2010. Gathering the 100 top stories of the year obviously requires a decent organization so as to ease the list’s construction and avoid controversy. In effect, this slideshow is divided in 20 categories—consisting of the 20 different competitions and genders of the headlines mentioned.
Since the 2010 World Cup was the most important football subject of the year, readers may notice that this topic constitutes the major part of this article. Other subjects such as the Champions League, football transfers, and cheating scandals eventually form the rest of the list, with several other football-related themes.
Note: The following slides are organized in no particular order in terms of news importance or date.
Champions League: Barcelona 4-1 Arsenal
After impressively drawing 2-2 at the Emirates in the quarterfinals of the UEFA Champions League last season, a Fabregas-less Arsenal side were poised to stop FC Barcelona at the Camp Nou. The Gunners controversially took the lead through Nicklas Bendtner, but the match soon turned into a nightmare for Arsene Wenger’s army.
An uncontainable Lionel Messi immediately replied to put Barcelona back into the game, and by the time the referee blew the final whistle, Messi had already scored 4 trademark goals to crush the visitors 4-1 and push Barca into the semifinals of the competition.
Champions League: Inter Milan 3-1 Barcelona
Containing the likes of Jose Mourinho, Pep Guardiola, Lionel Messi, Xavi, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Samuel Eto’o, Wesley Sneijder, Lucio, Maicon, Dani Alves, Carlos Puyol and other important players—the first leg of the Inter Milan vs Barcelona match in the UEFA Champions League’s semifinals last season could not be an ordinary one.
Instead of ending beautifully though, its outcome sparked serious arguments between fans from both sides. Of course, the main source of the verbal war between the two teams was the referee.
Barca’s Pedro first snatched the opener, but controversial decisions from the official eventually allowed Wesley Sneijder, Maicon, and Diego Milito to give Inter Milan a high advantage ahead of the fixture’s second leg.
Read More after on this story: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/382144-cheats-inter-giving-barcelona-perfect-reminder-of-2009-ovrebo-episodeChampions League: Barcelona 1-0 Inter
The first leg of this match in last year’s UEFA Champions League semifinals caused Barcelona fans to illegally attack Portuguese coach Jose Mourinho. With such a bad behavior from the Barca fans, Pep Guardiola’s men knew they had to win so as to cool down the tension.
Indeed, they did so controversially, but a single goal from Gerard Pique was not enough to rescue Los Cules. In the end, they bowed out of the competition, as their hopes of lifting the Champions League trophy for a second time in a row ended.
Join the debate on this story, after: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/385794-inter-milan-beat-messi-and-barcelona-has-mourinho-done-the-impossibleChampions League: Real Madrid Loses To Lyon
Δεν ήταν το απλό γεγονός ότι η Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης έχασε από την Olympique Lyonnais που έκανε πραγματικά τα πρωτοσέλιδα. Πιο ειδικά, ήταν το γεγονός ότι ακόμη και αφού πέρασε ένα απίστευτο ποσό χρημάτων στο παράθυρο του 2009 τη μεταφορά του καλοκαιριού, το Λος Blancos ακόμη δεν ήταν σε θέση να σπάσει Γύρου της 16ης κατάρα στο Τσάμπιονς Λιγκ.
Μετά την ισοπαλία της μακριά στην Λυών στο πρώτο πόδι της Μαδρίτης έπρεπε να πάρει τα απαραίτητα αποτέλεσμα στο Μπερναμπέου Στάδιο η διαδρομή της επιστροφής. Κριστιάνο Ρονάλντο έδωσε το Λος Blancos το προβάδισμα στο πρώτο εξάμηνο, αλλά μια απογοητευτική Gonzalo Higuain παρέλειψε να λάβει τις πιθανότητές του να θέσει Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης ακόμη περισσότερο μπροστά αργότερα. Υπήρχαν σύντομη καταστάσεων έκτακτης ανάγκης της διαμάχης κατά το δεύτερο εξάμηνο και, τέλος, ήταν ο Galacticos που πλήρωσαν το τίμημα για να μην αφήνοντας στο ύψος των προσδοκιών.
Champions League: Inter Kick Out Chelsea
Είναι δύσκολο να πιστέψει κανείς ότι η Τσέλσι δεν έχουν ποτέ κερδίσει ένα Τσάμπιονς Λιγκ τίτλο. Καλά, την περασμένη σεζόν, είχαν άλλη μια ευκαιρία να δοκιμάσουν την τύχη τους στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κύπελλο, αλλά απέτυχαν και πάλι. Ωστόσο, παρέλειψαν κατά ένα περίεργο τρόπο ...
Καθοδηγούμενη από Carlo Ancelotti, οι Blues λήστεψαν για δεύτερη συνεχόμενη φορά στο Champions League? Αλλά αυτή τη φορά, από μια ομάδα Ίντερ powered by Jose Mourinho. Έχοντας ήδη υποστεί μια εριστική ήττα μακριά στο San Siro, η Τσέλσι ήταν και πάλι υποδουλωμένοι στο Στάμφορντ Μπριτζ. Ένα γκολ από τον Samuel Eto'o σφράγισε τη μοίρα τους στο διαγωνισμό, και την επόμενη, οι Blues μόνο έπρεπε να παραδοθούν.
Champions League: Man Utd Humble Milan in Italy
Πόσες αγγλικές ομάδες κέρδισε κατά AC Milan στο San Siro στο Champions League της UEFA; Δεν είναι πολλά, και η Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ μπορεί να είναι υπερήφανη για την επίτευξη πήραν την περασμένη σεζόν, όταν νίκησε τους Ιταλούς 3-2 στο Giuseppe Mazza.
Μιλάνο επέβαλε ίδιοι πρώτα, αλλά μία σε μορφή Γουέιν Ρούνεϊ ήταν απλά πολύ καλό για τους οικοδεσπότες.
Champions League: Bayern First Stun Manchester United
Πιθανώς, έπεσε σε παγίδα η Μπάγερν Μονάχου. Όταν η Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ ήταν αποτέλεσμα 1-0 μετά την ώρα σήμα προημιτελικά Τσάμπιονς Λιγκ της περασμένης σεζόν, χάρη σε ένα γκολ Ρούνεϊ, η πλειοψηφία των θεατών του παιχνιδιού σίγουρα δεν προβλέπουν μια Μπάγερν επιστροφή.
Ένας κακός εκτροπή από Ρούνεϊ τον εαυτό του και με μεγάλη καθυστέρηση decider από Όλιτς όμως άλλαξε αυτό που πολλοί θα είχαν αρχικά εκλαμβάνεται ως τον αγώνα του "άξιζε αποτέλεσμα».
Champions League: Bayern Finish Manchester United
Το πρώτο σκέλος θα μπορούσε να μην ήταν πολύ όμορφο στα μάτια των οπαδών Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ, αλλά η αρχή του δεύτερου σκέλους πήγε λίγο πολύ υπέρ τους. Ένα από τα πρώτα 3-0 γραμμή σκορ στο Old Trafford λόγω της επιρροής θαυμάσια Νάνι σκότωσε σχεδόν τους επισκέπτες.
Μπάγερν Μονάχου, ωστόσο, αγωνίστηκε πίσω με όλα όσα είχαν? Και σε μακροπρόθεσμη βάση, πήραν την τελική γέλιο με 2 γκολ από τον Όλιτς και Ρόμπεν.
Champions League: United Humiliate Milan
Το πρώτο σκέλος της Μίλαν-Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ το παιχνίδι δεν είναι θετικό για τους Ιταλούς, αλλά η διαδρομή της επιστροφής αποδειχθεί ότι είναι ακόμη πιο τρομερό. Ρούνεϊ οδήγησαν και πάλι το Red Devils στη νίκη, βοηθώντας την πλευρά του να σκοράρει 4 γκολ εις βάρος τους επισκέπτες τους στο Old Trafford.
Champions League: Inter Milan Win Trophy
Δεδομένου ότι το UEFA Champions League είναι η πιο ακολουθείται ποδοσφαιρική διοργάνωση σύλλογος στον κόσμο, η τελική αγώνες της είναι πάντα ιδιαίτερα δημοφιλής. Το 2009/10 τελικό του Champions League δεν ήταν διαφορετική από την άποψη των μέσων μαζικής ενημέρωσης έλξης, και οι δύο φιναλίστ (Ίντερ και Μπάγερν Μονάχου) είχαν την ευκαιρία να επεκτείνουν τις αντίστοιχες στρατό τους σε όλο τον κόσμο θαυμαστές.
Ο τελικός στο Μπερναμπέου Στάδιο δεν ήταν απογοητευτική, και μετά από 90 λεπτά της διαδικασίας, 2 γκολ από Αργεντινής επιθετικός Ντιέγκο Μιλίτο έδωσε Ίντερ τη νίκη. Ήταν η πρώτη Champions League τίτλο τους από το 1965.
Champions League: Surprises Sprout Out Of Draws
Παρά την παραδοξότητα πίσω από την επαναλαμβανόμενη φωτιστικά στο Champions League της σεζόν γύρο των 16, το αποτέλεσμα των πρόσφατων κλήρωση έφερε σίγουρα ενδιαφέρουσα επερχόμενη αγώνων που μπορούμε ήδη να περιμένουμε με ανυπομονησία.
Αρσεναλ-Βαρκελώνη, Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης-Λιόν, Ίντερ-Μπάγερν Μονάχου ... Οι ποδοσφαιρικοί αγώνες είναι απλώς νόστιμα.
2010 World Cup: Obama Receives Warning Upon Coming
Ο Πρόεδρος των ΗΠΑ είχε δηλώσει λίγες εβδομάδες πριν το Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο που θα έρθει και να δουν το έργο της χώρας του στο τουρνουά μόνο αν πέρασαν στη φάση των ομίλων. Παρά τις προσπάθειες της Νότιας Αφρικής να αναπτύξει πολλές χιλιάδες αστυνομικοί σε όλη τους τομείς που επηρεάζονται από επέλευση του τουρνουά, ο αστυνομικός επίτροπος της Νοτίου Αφρικής, συνιστάται ότι ο Ομπάμα έμεινε μακριά από τη χώρα υποδοχής για λόγους ασφαλείας.
Εθνική παίκτες της ομάδας εκτιμούμε συνήθως ζωντανή υποστήριξη των ηγετών τους κατά τη διάρκεια διεθνών αγώνων? Αλλά στην περίπτωση της Βόρειας Αμερικανούς, το μόνο που έπρεπε να ξεχάσουμε την παρουσία προέδρου τους στο Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο. Ευτυχώς για αυτούς, είχαν μια άλλη εξέχουσα προσωπικότητα για να τους φτιάξει το κέφι σε τελευταίες 16 παιχνίδι τους ενάντια Γκάνα: Μπιλ Κλίντον.
2010 World Cup: K’naan And Shakira Reveal Songs
Η μουσική είναι ένα πολύ χρήσιμο πηγή στον κόσμο της ψυχαγωγίας. Όπως και σε πολλές προηγούμενες διοργανώσεις, η FIFA δεχθεί να φωτίζουν το Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο του 2010 με τα επίσημα τραγούδια, και τις κύριες επιλογές τους έπεσε στις ακόλουθες 2 καλλιτέχνες: K'naan και Shakira.
K'naan της Wavin «σημαία έκανε μεγάλη επιτυχία σε όλο τον κόσμο? Ισπανική εκδοχή του χαρακτηρίζει τον David Bisbal ήταν επίσης πάρα πολύ ευπρόσδεκτη από το κοινό. Shakira κυκλοφόρησε τότε συντονιστείτε της Waka Waka, το οποίο αποδείχθηκε ότι ήταν βασικό τραγούδι υπαλλήλου του τουρνουά. Η κολομβιανή υπηκοότητα καλλιτέχνη προκάλεσε κάποια Αφρικανοί να απορρίψει το τραγούδι, αλλά όλοι το ίδιο, το video clip του κατέληξε να είναι ένα από τα πιο εμφανισμένα του YouTube βίντεο ποτέ.
The year 2010 presented entertaining and sizzling football stories related to some of the biggest names in world football. From cheating scandals to World Cup news, and from club transfers to club football surprises, the last 12 months have just presented a host of searing stories.
In this non-ranking article, we gather various genders of football yarns which made the headlines in 2010. Gathering the 100 top stories of the year obviously requires a decent organization so as to ease the list’s construction and avoid controversy. In effect, this slideshow is divided in 20 categories—consisting of the 20 different competitions and genders of the headlines mentioned.
Since the 2010 World Cup was the most important football subject of the year, readers may notice that this topic constitutes the major part of this article. Other subjects such as the Champions League, football transfers, and cheating scandals eventually form the rest of the list, with several other football-related themes.
Note: The following slides are organized in no particular order in terms of news importance or date.
Champions League: Barcelona 4-1 Arsenal
After impressively drawing 2-2 at the Emirates in the quarterfinals of the UEFA Champions League last season, a Fabregas-less Arsenal side were poised to stop FC Barcelona at the Camp Nou. The Gunners controversially took the lead through Nicklas Bendtner, but the match soon turned into a nightmare for Arsene Wenger’s army.
An uncontainable Lionel Messi immediately replied to put Barcelona back into the game, and by the time the referee blew the final whistle, Messi had already scored 4 trademark goals to crush the visitors 4-1 and push Barca into the semifinals of the competition.
Champions League: Inter Milan 3-1 Barcelona
Containing the likes of Jose Mourinho, Pep Guardiola, Lionel Messi, Xavi, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Samuel Eto’o, Wesley Sneijder, Lucio, Maicon, Dani Alves, Carlos Puyol and other important players—the first leg of the Inter Milan vs Barcelona match in the UEFA Champions League’s semifinals last season could not be an ordinary one.
Instead of ending beautifully though, its outcome sparked serious arguments between fans from both sides. Of course, the main source of the verbal war between the two teams was the referee.
Barca’s Pedro first snatched the opener, but controversial decisions from the official eventually allowed Wesley Sneijder, Maicon, and Diego Milito to give Inter Milan a high advantage ahead of the fixture’s second leg.
Read More after on this story: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/382144-cheats-inter-giving-barcelona-perfect-reminder-of-2009-ovrebo-episodeChampions League: Barcelona 1-0 Inter
The first leg of this match in last year’s UEFA Champions League semifinals caused Barcelona fans to illegally attack Portuguese coach Jose Mourinho. With such a bad behavior from the Barca fans, Pep Guardiola’s men knew they had to win so as to cool down the tension.
Indeed, they did so controversially, but a single goal from Gerard Pique was not enough to rescue Los Cules. In the end, they bowed out of the competition, as their hopes of lifting the Champions League trophy for a second time in a row ended.
Join the debate on this story, after: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/385794-inter-milan-beat-messi-and-barcelona-has-mourinho-done-the-impossibleChampions League: Real Madrid Loses To Lyon
It was not the plain fact that Real Madrid lost to Olympique Lyonnais which really made the headlines. Most especially, it was the fact that even after spending an unbelievable amount of money in the 2009 summer transfer window, Los Blancos still weren’t able to break their Round of 16 curse in the Champions League.
Subsequent to their draw away to Lyon in the first leg, Madrid had to get the needed result at the Bernabeu Stadium in the return leg. Cristiano Ronaldo gave Los Blancos the lead in the first half, but a disappointing Gonzalo Higuain failed to take his chances to place Real Madrid even further in front afterward. There were brief emergences of controversy in the second half, and finally, it was the Galacticos who paid the price for not leaving up to expectations.
Champions League: Inter Kick Out Chelsea
It is hard to believe that Chelsea have never won a Champions League title. Well, last season, they had another chance to try their luck in the European Cup, but they failed again. They however failed in a bizarre manner…
Guided by Carlo Ancelotti, the Blues were robbed on a second consecutive occasion in the Champions League; but this time, by an Inter Milan team powered by Jose Mourinho. Having already suffered a contentious defeat away to the San Siro, Chelsea were again enslaved at the Stamford Bridge. A goal from Samuel Eto’o sealed their fate in the competition, and next, the Blues only had to surrender.
Champions League: Man Utd Humble Milan in Italy
How many English teams have won against AC Milan at the San Siro in the UEFA Champions League? Not many, and Manchester United can be proud of the attainment they got last season, when they defeated the Italians 3-2 at the Giuseppe Mazza.
Milan first imposed themselves, but an in-form Wayne Rooney was just too good for the hosts.
Champions League: Bayern First Stun Manchester United
Probably, you also fell in Bayern Munich’s trap. When Manchester United were leading 1-0 after the hour mark in last season’s Champions League quarterfinals thanks to a Rooney goal, the majority of the game’s spectators certainly did not anticipate a Bayern comeback.
A wicked deflection from Rooney himself and a very late decider from Olic however changed what many would have initially looked upon as the match’s “deserved result”.
Champions League: Bayern Finish Manchester United
The first leg might have not been too pretty in the eyes of Manchester United followers, but the beginning of the second leg went pretty much in their favor. An early 3-0 score line at the Old Trafford owing to Nani’s superb influence almost killed the visitors.
Bayern Munich nevertheless fought back with everything they had; and in the long run, they got the final laugh by means of 2 goals from Olic and Robben.
Champions League: United Humiliate Milan
The first leg of the AC Milan-Manchester United game was already not positive for the Italians, but the return leg proved to be even more terrible. Rooney again led the Red Devils to victory, helping his side to score 4 goals against their visitors at the Old Trafford.
Milan were clearly humiliated...
Champions League: Inter Milan Win Trophy
Since the UEFA Champions League is the most followed club football competition in the world, its final matches are always highly popular. The 2009/10 Champions League final was no different in terms of media attraction, and both finalists (Inter Milan and Bayern Munich) were given the opportunity to expand their respective army of worldwide fans.
The final at the Bernabeu Stadium was not a disappointing one, and after 90+ minutes of proceedings, 2 goals from Argentine striker Diego Milito gave Inter the victory. It was their first Champions League title since 1965.
Champions League: Surprises Sprout Out Of Draws
Notwithstanding the strangeness behind the repeated fixtures in this season’s Champions League Round of 16, the outcome of the recent draw certainly brought interesting upcoming matches which we can already wait for with impatience.
Arsenal-Barcelona, Real Madrid-Lyon, Inter Milan-Bayern Munich... These football fixtures are just mouth-watering.
2010 World Cup: Obama Receives Warning Upon Coming
The US President had stated a few weeks before the World Cup that he would come and see his country play in the tournament only if they crossed the group stage. Despite South Africa’s efforts to deploy several thousands of policemen throughout the areas influenced by the tournament’s occurrence, the Police Commissioner of South Africa strongly recommended that Obama stayed away from the hosting country due to security reasons.
National team players usually appreciate the live support of their leaders during international matches; but in the case of the North Americans, they just had to forget about their president’s presence at the World Cup. Fortunately for them, they had another prominent personality to cheer them up in their Last 16 game against Ghana: Bill Clinton.
2010 World Cup: K’naan And Shakira Reveal Songs
Music is one the world’s most useful source of entertainment. As in many previous competitions, FIFA consented to brighten the 2010 World Cup with official songs, and their main choices fell on the following 2 artists: K’naan and Shakira.
K’naan’s Wavin’ Flag made a hit worldwide; its Spanish version featuring David Bisbal was also very much welcomed by the public. Shakira then released her tune Waka Waka, which turned out to be the tournament’s core official song. The Colombian artist’s nationality caused some Africans to reject the song, but all the same, its video clip ended up being one of YouTube’s most viewed videos ever.
Know more on the massive success of Shakira's Waka Waka on Youtube: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/430270-shakiras-sway-official-waka-waka-video-clip-makes-shakira-youtube-star2010 World Cup: Nike Releases Ad And Generate Mysterious Ideas
περίφημο 2010 της Nike Παγκοσμίου Κυπέλλου αγγελία βίντεο έδωσε παρατηρητές παράξενες ιδέες σχετικά με τα επεισόδια που ήταν έτοιμοι να περιβάλλουν με τη Νότια Αφρική. Η μοίρα του Ντρογκμπά, Καναβάρο, Ρούνεϊ, Ribery, και Κριστιάνο Ρονάλντο στο διαγωνισμό ήταν όλα υπό αμφισβήτηση. Προγνωστικά και αναλύσεις απλώνεται γρήγορα? Ακόμα η εταιρεία ουδέποτε συμφώνησε να δώσει μια πλήρη, πειστική εξήγηση για το μυστήριο πίσω από το εμπορικό.Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο 2010: Τουρνουά Προ-Τελετή
Νότια Αφρική ήταν πρόθυμοι να κατακτήσει εκατομμύρια λάτρεις της μουσικής με το Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο του 2010, και το έκαναν. Τους πήρε πολλά χρήματα και δουλειά για να εκπληρώσουν το έργο τους, αλλά αυτό που υπολογίζονται στο τέλος ήταν το αποτέλεσμα της εργασίας τους.
Οι Black Eyed Peas, Angelique Kidjo, John Legend, Alicia Keys, K'naan, και Shakira ήταν όλοι καλεσμένοι στο προ-τελετή του Παγκοσμίου Κυπέλλου, και εκείνο το βράδυ-στις τηλεοράσεις 10η Ιουνίου δεν είναι πολλά »ήταν εκτός λειτουργίας.
2010 World Cup: Tournament’s Kick-Off
Το Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο του 2010 δρομολογήθηκε με μια καλά οργανωμένη τελετή, φωτισμένη από την παρουσία της φήμης της Αφρικής καλλιτέχνες και Αμερικανού σταρ R. Kelly. πρώτο αγώνα του τουρνουά είδε επίσης τη νοτιοαφρικανική εθνική ομάδα και την εθνική ομάδα του Μεξικού μπει σε δράση.
Ο εναρκτήριος αγώνας έληξε με ισοπαλία 1-1, με ιστοσελίδες ποδοσφαίρου που επωφελούνται από μια υψηλή αύξηση του αριθμού τους επισκέπτες εκείνη την ημέρα. Υπήρξαν επίσης αναφορές ότι το τουρνουά είναι το εναρκτήριο λάκτισμα είχε υποβάλει δίκτυο Akamai στην υψηλότερη που έχει ποτέ εξέδωσε την κυκλοφορία του.
2010 World Cup: Green Gaff
Αγγλία ξεκίνησε τα πρώτα λεπτά της εκστρατείας τους κατά το 2010 Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο Ποδοσφαίρου έξοχα, με τον Steven Gerrard θέση του Three Lions μπροστά από τις ΗΠΑ με στόχο στο μηδέν μετά από μόλις 4 λεπτά. Το κόμμα ήταν, ωστόσο χάλασε για την αγγλική ως τερματοφύλακας Robert Green απέτυχε να πιάσει το ευκολότερο από μπάλες στιγμές μετά.
Μια επαίσχυντη gaff πήρε 2 πολύτιμους βαθμούς από τους αγαπημένους ομάδα Γ, και αυτό επηρέασε αγριότητα της βαθμολογίας του ομίλου.
The year 2010 presented entertaining and sizzling football stories related to some of the biggest names in world football. From cheating scandals to World Cup news, and from club transfers to club football surprises, the last 12 months have just presented a host of searing stories.
In this non-ranking article, we gather various genders of football yarns which made the headlines in 2010. Gathering the 100 top stories of the year obviously requires a decent organization so as to ease the list’s construction and avoid controversy. In effect, this slideshow is divided in 20 categories—consisting of the 20 different competitions and genders of the headlines mentioned.
Since the 2010 World Cup was the most important football subject of the year, readers may notice that this topic constitutes the major part of this article. Other subjects such as the Champions League, football transfers, and cheating scandals eventually form the rest of the list, with several other football-related themes.
Note: The following slides are organized in no particular order in terms of news importance or date.
Champions League: Barcelona 4-1 Arsenal
After impressively drawing 2-2 at the Emirates in the quarterfinals of the UEFA Champions League last season, a Fabregas-less Arsenal side were poised to stop FC Barcelona at the Camp Nou. The Gunners controversially took the lead through Nicklas Bendtner, but the match soon turned into a nightmare for Arsene Wenger’s army.
An uncontainable Lionel Messi immediately replied to put Barcelona back into the game, and by the time the referee blew the final whistle, Messi had already scored 4 trademark goals to crush the visitors 4-1 and push Barca into the semifinals of the competition.
Champions League: Inter Milan 3-1 Barcelona
Containing the likes of Jose Mourinho, Pep Guardiola, Lionel Messi, Xavi, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Samuel Eto’o, Wesley Sneijder, Lucio, Maicon, Dani Alves, Carlos Puyol and other important players—the first leg of the Inter Milan vs Barcelona match in the UEFA Champions League’s semifinals last season could not be an ordinary one.
Instead of ending beautifully though, its outcome sparked serious arguments between fans from both sides. Of course, the main source of the verbal war between the two teams was the referee.
Barca’s Pedro first snatched the opener, but controversial decisions from the official eventually allowed Wesley Sneijder, Maicon, and Diego Milito to give Inter Milan a high advantage ahead of the fixture’s second leg.
Read More after on this story: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/382144-cheats-inter-giving-barcelona-perfect-reminder-of-2009-ovrebo-episodeChampions League: Barcelona 1-0 Inter
The first leg of this match in last year’s UEFA Champions League semifinals caused Barcelona fans to illegally attack Portuguese coach Jose Mourinho. With such a bad behavior from the Barca fans, Pep Guardiola’s men knew they had to win so as to cool down the tension.
Indeed, they did so controversially, but a single goal from Gerard Pique was not enough to rescue Los Cules. In the end, they bowed out of the competition, as their hopes of lifting the Champions League trophy for a second time in a row ended.
Join the debate on this story, after: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/385794-inter-milan-beat-messi-and-barcelona-has-mourinho-done-the-impossibleChampions League: Real Madrid Loses To Lyon
It was not the plain fact that Real Madrid lost to Olympique Lyonnais which really made the headlines. Most especially, it was the fact that even after spending an unbelievable amount of money in the 2009 summer transfer window, Los Blancos still weren’t able to break their Round of 16 curse in the Champions League.
Subsequent to their draw away to Lyon in the first leg, Madrid had to get the needed result at the Bernabeu Stadium in the return leg. Cristiano Ronaldo gave Los Blancos the lead in the first half, but a disappointing Gonzalo Higuain failed to take his chances to place Real Madrid even further in front afterward. There were brief emergences of controversy in the second half, and finally, it was the Galacticos who paid the price for not leaving up to expectations.
Champions League: Inter Kick Out Chelsea
It is hard to believe that Chelsea have never won a Champions League title. Well, last season, they had another chance to try their luck in the European Cup, but they failed again. They however failed in a bizarre manner…
Guided by Carlo Ancelotti, the Blues were robbed on a second consecutive occasion in the Champions League; but this time, by an Inter Milan team powered by Jose Mourinho. Having already suffered a contentious defeat away to the San Siro, Chelsea were again enslaved at the Stamford Bridge. A goal from Samuel Eto’o sealed their fate in the competition, and next, the Blues only had to surrender.
Champions League: Man Utd Humble Milan in Italy
How many English teams have won against AC Milan at the San Siro in the UEFA Champions League? Not many, and Manchester United can be proud of the attainment they got last season, when they defeated the Italians 3-2 at the Giuseppe Mazza.
Milan first imposed themselves, but an in-form Wayne Rooney was just too good for the hosts.
Champions League: Bayern First Stun Manchester United
Probably, you also fell in Bayern Munich’s trap. When Manchester United were leading 1-0 after the hour mark in last season’s Champions League quarterfinals thanks to a Rooney goal, the majority of the game’s spectators certainly did not anticipate a Bayern comeback.
A wicked deflection from Rooney himself and a very late decider from Olic however changed what many would have initially looked upon as the match’s “deserved result”.
Champions League: Bayern Finish Manchester United
The first leg might have not been too pretty in the eyes of Manchester United followers, but the beginning of the second leg went pretty much in their favor. An early 3-0 score line at the Old Trafford owing to Nani’s superb influence almost killed the visitors.
Bayern Munich nevertheless fought back with everything they had; and in the long run, they got the final laugh by means of 2 goals from Olic and Robben.
Champions League: United Humiliate Milan
The first leg of the AC Milan-Manchester United game was already not positive for the Italians, but the return leg proved to be even more terrible. Rooney again led the Red Devils to victory, helping his side to score 4 goals against their visitors at the Old Trafford.
Milan were clearly humiliated...
Champions League: Inter Milan Win Trophy
Since the UEFA Champions League is the most followed club football competition in the world, its final matches are always highly popular. The 2009/10 Champions League final was no different in terms of media attraction, and both finalists (Inter Milan and Bayern Munich) were given the opportunity to expand their respective army of worldwide fans.
The final at the Bernabeu Stadium was not a disappointing one, and after 90+ minutes of proceedings, 2 goals from Argentine striker Diego Milito gave Inter the victory. It was their first Champions League title since 1965.
Champions League: Surprises Sprout Out Of Draws
Notwithstanding the strangeness behind the repeated fixtures in this season’s Champions League Round of 16, the outcome of the recent draw certainly brought interesting upcoming matches which we can already wait for with impatience.
Arsenal-Barcelona, Real Madrid-Lyon, Inter Milan-Bayern Munich... These football fixtures are just mouth-watering.
2010 World Cup: Obama Receives Warning Upon Coming
The US President had stated a few weeks before the World Cup that he would come and see his country play in the tournament only if they crossed the group stage. Despite South Africa’s efforts to deploy several thousands of policemen throughout the areas influenced by the tournament’s occurrence, the Police Commissioner of South Africa strongly recommended that Obama stayed away from the hosting country due to security reasons.
National team players usually appreciate the live support of their leaders during international matches; but in the case of the North Americans, they just had to forget about their president’s presence at the World Cup. Fortunately for them, they had another prominent personality to cheer them up in their Last 16 game against Ghana: Bill Clinton.
2010 World Cup: K’naan And Shakira Reveal Songs
Music is one the world’s most useful source of entertainment. As in many previous competitions, FIFA consented to brighten the 2010 World Cup with official songs, and their main choices fell on the following 2 artists: K’naan and Shakira.
K’naan’s Wavin’ Flag made a hit worldwide; its Spanish version featuring David Bisbal was also very much welcomed by the public. Shakira then released her tune Waka Waka, which turned out to be the tournament’s core official song. The Colombian artist’s nationality caused some Africans to reject the song, but all the same, its video clip ended up being one of YouTube’s most viewed videos ever.
Know more on the massive success of Shakira's Waka Waka on Youtube: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/430270-shakiras-sway-official-waka-waka-video-clip-makes-shakira-youtube-star2010 World Cup: Nike Releases Ad And Generate Mysterious Ideas
Nike’s famous 2010 World Cup video advert gave watchers strange ideas about the episodes which were about to enfold in South Africa. The destinies of Drogba, Cannavaro, Rooney, Ribery, and Cristiano Ronaldo in the competition were all questioned. Predictions and analysis spread out swiftly; yet the company never agreed to give a full, convincing explanation of the mystery behind the commercial.
2010 World Cup: Tournament Pre-Ceremony
South Africa were willing to conquer millions of music lovers with the 2010 World Cup, and they did. It took them a lot of money and work to accomplish their task, but what counted in the end was the result of their labor.
The Black Eyed Peas, Angelique Kidjo, John Legend, Alicia Keys, K’naan, and Shakira were all invited at the World Cup’s pre-ceremony, and that night—on June 10—not many televisions were inoperative.
2010 World Cup: Tournament’s Kick-Off
The 2010 World Cup kicked-off with a well-organized ceremony, enlightened by the presence of renowned African artists and American star R. Kelly. The tournament’s first match also saw the South African national team and the Mexican national team get into action.
The opening game ended in a 1-1 draw—with football websites benefiting from a high increase in their number of visitors that day. There were also reports that the tournament’s kick-off had submitted Akamai’s network to its highest ever delivered traffic.
See match analysis: http://www.livesoccertv.com/news/977/2010-world-cup-south-africa-vs-mexico-post-match-analysis/2010 World Cup: Green Gaff
England started the first minutes of their campaign in the 2010 World Cup finals superbly, with Steven Gerrard putting the Three Lions ahead of USA by a goal to nil after only 4 minutes. The party was however spoiled for the English as goalkeeper Robert Green failed to catch the easiest of balls moments after.
A disgraceful gaff took away 2 precious points from Group C’s favorites, and this grimly affected the standings in the group.
Η Γερμανία εδώ και καιρό θεωρηθεί ως ο εμπειρογνώμονας πλευρά στην επιβολή κυρώσεων. Για να είμαστε σίγουροι, ότι ήταν καλοί στην επιβολή κυρώσεων, αφού ποτέ δεν παρέλειψε να μετατρέψετε από το σημείο από το 1974 σε ένα Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο σε μια σειρά μη-πέναλτι, αλλά 26-χρόνος ρεκόρ ποινή τους έληξε το Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο του 2010 σε έναν αγώνα κατά της φάσης των ομίλων Η Σερβία, στις 18 Ιουνίου, ύστερα από λείψει από Podolski.
2010 World Cup: Ghana First African Winners
Νότια Αφρική, η Νιγηρία και η Αλγερία όλα απέτυχε να πάρει 3 βαθμούς από το πρώτο παιχνίδια τους στο Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο. οικοδεσπότες του τουρνουά έσυρε τον πρώτο αγώνα τους 1-1 με το Μεξικό, το Super Eagles έχασε 1-0 στην Αργεντινή, ενώ ο Βορειοαφρικανούς έχασε 1-0 στη Σλοβενία.
Η Μαύρη αστέρια της Γκάνας, ωστόσο κατάφερε να θριαμβεύσει 1-0 τη Σερβία στις 13 Ιουνίου, χάρη σε μια πρόσφατη κύρωση από Asamoah Gyan. Αυτό έκανε η πλειοψηφία των Αφρικανών υπερήφανοι.
The year 2010 presented entertaining and sizzling football stories related to some of the biggest names in world football. From cheating scandals to World Cup news, and from club transfers to club football surprises, the last 12 months have just presented a host of searing stories.
In this non-ranking article, we gather various genders of football yarns which made the headlines in 2010. Gathering the 100 top stories of the year obviously requires a decent organization so as to ease the list’s construction and avoid controversy. In effect, this slideshow is divided in 20 categories—consisting of the 20 different competitions and genders of the headlines mentioned.
Since the 2010 World Cup was the most important football subject of the year, readers may notice that this topic constitutes the major part of this article. Other subjects such as the Champions League, football transfers, and cheating scandals eventually form the rest of the list, with several other football-related themes.
Note: The following slides are organized in no particular order in terms of news importance or date.
Champions League: Barcelona 4-1 Arsenal
After impressively drawing 2-2 at the Emirates in the quarterfinals of the UEFA Champions League last season, a Fabregas-less Arsenal side were poised to stop FC Barcelona at the Camp Nou. The Gunners controversially took the lead through Nicklas Bendtner, but the match soon turned into a nightmare for Arsene Wenger’s army.
An uncontainable Lionel Messi immediately replied to put Barcelona back into the game, and by the time the referee blew the final whistle, Messi had already scored 4 trademark goals to crush the visitors 4-1 and push Barca into the semifinals of the competition.
Champions League: Inter Milan 3-1 Barcelona
Containing the likes of Jose Mourinho, Pep Guardiola, Lionel Messi, Xavi, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Samuel Eto’o, Wesley Sneijder, Lucio, Maicon, Dani Alves, Carlos Puyol and other important players—the first leg of the Inter Milan vs Barcelona match in the UEFA Champions League’s semifinals last season could not be an ordinary one.
Instead of ending beautifully though, its outcome sparked serious arguments between fans from both sides. Of course, the main source of the verbal war between the two teams was the referee.
Barca’s Pedro first snatched the opener, but controversial decisions from the official eventually allowed Wesley Sneijder, Maicon, and Diego Milito to give Inter Milan a high advantage ahead of the fixture’s second leg.
Read More after on this story: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/382144-cheats-inter-giving-barcelona-perfect-reminder-of-2009-ovrebo-episodeChampions League: Barcelona 1-0 Inter
The first leg of this match in last year’s UEFA Champions League semifinals caused Barcelona fans to illegally attack Portuguese coach Jose Mourinho. With such a bad behavior from the Barca fans, Pep Guardiola’s men knew they had to win so as to cool down the tension.
Indeed, they did so controversially, but a single goal from Gerard Pique was not enough to rescue Los Cules. In the end, they bowed out of the competition, as their hopes of lifting the Champions League trophy for a second time in a row ended.
Join the debate on this story, after: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/385794-inter-milan-beat-messi-and-barcelona-has-mourinho-done-the-impossibleChampions League: Real Madrid Loses To Lyon
It was not the plain fact that Real Madrid lost to Olympique Lyonnais which really made the headlines. Most especially, it was the fact that even after spending an unbelievable amount of money in the 2009 summer transfer window, Los Blancos still weren’t able to break their Round of 16 curse in the Champions League.
Subsequent to their draw away to Lyon in the first leg, Madrid had to get the needed result at the Bernabeu Stadium in the return leg. Cristiano Ronaldo gave Los Blancos the lead in the first half, but a disappointing Gonzalo Higuain failed to take his chances to place Real Madrid even further in front afterward. There were brief emergences of controversy in the second half, and finally, it was the Galacticos who paid the price for not leaving up to expectations.
Champions League: Inter Kick Out Chelsea
It is hard to believe that Chelsea have never won a Champions League title. Well, last season, they had another chance to try their luck in the European Cup, but they failed again. They however failed in a bizarre manner…
Guided by Carlo Ancelotti, the Blues were robbed on a second consecutive occasion in the Champions League; but this time, by an Inter Milan team powered by Jose Mourinho. Having already suffered a contentious defeat away to the San Siro, Chelsea were again enslaved at the Stamford Bridge. A goal from Samuel Eto’o sealed their fate in the competition, and next, the Blues only had to surrender.
Champions League: Man Utd Humble Milan in Italy
How many English teams have won against AC Milan at the San Siro in the UEFA Champions League? Not many, and Manchester United can be proud of the attainment they got last season, when they defeated the Italians 3-2 at the Giuseppe Mazza.
Milan first imposed themselves, but an in-form Wayne Rooney was just too good for the hosts.
Champions League: Bayern First Stun Manchester United
Probably, you also fell in Bayern Munich’s trap. When Manchester United were leading 1-0 after the hour mark in last season’s Champions League quarterfinals thanks to a Rooney goal, the majority of the game’s spectators certainly did not anticipate a Bayern comeback.
A wicked deflection from Rooney himself and a very late decider from Olic however changed what many would have initially looked upon as the match’s “deserved result”.
Champions League: Bayern Finish Manchester United
The first leg might have not been too pretty in the eyes of Manchester United followers, but the beginning of the second leg went pretty much in their favor. An early 3-0 score line at the Old Trafford owing to Nani’s superb influence almost killed the visitors.
Bayern Munich nevertheless fought back with everything they had; and in the long run, they got the final laugh by means of 2 goals from Olic and Robben.
Champions League: United Humiliate Milan
The first leg of the AC Milan-Manchester United game was already not positive for the Italians, but the return leg proved to be even more terrible. Rooney again led the Red Devils to victory, helping his side to score 4 goals against their visitors at the Old Trafford.
Milan were clearly humiliated...
Champions League: Inter Milan Win Trophy
Since the UEFA Champions League is the most followed club football competition in the world, its final matches are always highly popular. The 2009/10 Champions League final was no different in terms of media attraction, and both finalists (Inter Milan and Bayern Munich) were given the opportunity to expand their respective army of worldwide fans.
The final at the Bernabeu Stadium was not a disappointing one, and after 90+ minutes of proceedings, 2 goals from Argentine striker Diego Milito gave Inter the victory. It was their first Champions League title since 1965.
Champions League: Surprises Sprout Out Of Draws
Notwithstanding the strangeness behind the repeated fixtures in this season’s Champions League Round of 16, the outcome of the recent draw certainly brought interesting upcoming matches which we can already wait for with impatience.
Arsenal-Barcelona, Real Madrid-Lyon, Inter Milan-Bayern Munich... These football fixtures are just mouth-watering.
2010 World Cup: Obama Receives Warning Upon Coming
The US President had stated a few weeks before the World Cup that he would come and see his country play in the tournament only if they crossed the group stage. Despite South Africa’s efforts to deploy several thousands of policemen throughout the areas influenced by the tournament’s occurrence, the Police Commissioner of South Africa strongly recommended that Obama stayed away from the hosting country due to security reasons.
National team players usually appreciate the live support of their leaders during international matches; but in the case of the North Americans, they just had to forget about their president’s presence at the World Cup. Fortunately for them, they had another prominent personality to cheer them up in their Last 16 game against Ghana: Bill Clinton.
2010 World Cup: K’naan And Shakira Reveal Songs
Music is one the world’s most useful source of entertainment. As in many previous competitions, FIFA consented to brighten the 2010 World Cup with official songs, and their main choices fell on the following 2 artists: K’naan and Shakira.
K’naan’s Wavin’ Flag made a hit worldwide; its Spanish version featuring David Bisbal was also very much welcomed by the public. Shakira then released her tune Waka Waka, which turned out to be the tournament’s core official song. The Colombian artist’s nationality caused some Africans to reject the song, but all the same, its video clip ended up being one of YouTube’s most viewed videos ever.
Know more on the massive success of Shakira's Waka Waka on Youtube: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/430270-shakiras-sway-official-waka-waka-video-clip-makes-shakira-youtube-star2010 World Cup: Nike Releases Ad And Generate Mysterious Ideas
Nike’s famous 2010 World Cup video advert gave watchers strange ideas about the episodes which were about to enfold in South Africa. The destinies of Drogba, Cannavaro, Rooney, Ribery, and Cristiano Ronaldo in the competition were all questioned. Predictions and analysis spread out swiftly; yet the company never agreed to give a full, convincing explanation of the mystery behind the commercial.
2010 World Cup: Tournament Pre-Ceremony
South Africa were willing to conquer millions of music lovers with the 2010 World Cup, and they did. It took them a lot of money and work to accomplish their task, but what counted in the end was the result of their labor.
The Black Eyed Peas, Angelique Kidjo, John Legend, Alicia Keys, K’naan, and Shakira were all invited at the World Cup’s pre-ceremony, and that night—on June 10—not many televisions were inoperative.
2010 World Cup: Tournament’s Kick-Off
The 2010 World Cup kicked-off with a well-organized ceremony, enlightened by the presence of renowned African artists and American star R. Kelly. The tournament’s first match also saw the South African national team and the Mexican national team get into action.
The opening game ended in a 1-1 draw—with football websites benefiting from a high increase in their number of visitors that day. There were also reports that the tournament’s kick-off had submitted Akamai’s network to its highest ever delivered traffic.
See match analysis: http://www.livesoccertv.com/news/977/2010-world-cup-south-africa-vs-mexico-post-match-analysis/2010 World Cup: Green Gaff
England started the first minutes of their campaign in the 2010 World Cup finals superbly, with Steven Gerrard putting the Three Lions ahead of USA by a goal to nil after only 4 minutes. The party was however spoiled for the English as goalkeeper Robert Green failed to catch the easiest of balls moments after.
A disgraceful gaff took away 2 precious points from Group C’s favorites, and this grimly affected the standings in the group.
2010 World Cup: Podolski Misses Germany Penalty
Germany have long been regarded as the side expert in penalties. To be sure, they were good in penalties—having never failed to convert from the spot since 1974 at a World Cup in a non-shootout sequence, but their 26-year penalty record ended at the 2010 World Cup in a group stage match against Serbia, on June 18, subsequent to a miss from Podolski.
2010 World Cup: Ghana First African Winners
South Africa, Nigeria, and Algeria all failed to get 3 points out of their first games at the World Cup. The tournament’s hosts drew their first match 1-1 with Mexico, the Super Eagles lost 1-0 to Argentina, while the North Africans lost 1-0 to Slovenia.
The Black Stars of Ghana however managed to triumph 1-0 over Serbia on June 13, thanks to a late penalty from Asamoah Gyan. This made the majority of Africans proud.
2010 World Cup: Spain Loses Switzerland
Spain had an impressive undefeated run under their coach Del Bosque. They got a 100% record in their World Cup qualification campaign; nonetheless, they were stunned in their opening game in South Africa. They lost 1-0 to Switzerland in a match were they were by far the better side.
2010 World Cup: Big Shock, SA 0-3 Uru
Νότια Αφρική δεν έχουν τους καλύτερους παίκτες ποδοσφαίρου, αλλά είναι ακόμα μια πλευρά να μην υποτιμάται. Ειδικά κοιτάζοντας συνάντηση άνοιγμά τους ενάντια στο Μεξικό, ήταν αναμενόμενο να δώσουν Ουρουγουάη μια δύσκολη στιγμή για την Ημέρα 2. Παραδόξως, έχασαν 3-0 από τη Νότια Αμερικανοί μετά δέχεται γκολ από τον Ντιέγκο Φορλάν και Pereira. Τι σοκ που ήταν ...
2010 World Cup: France Team Loses
Η γαλλική FA έκανε μάλλον λάθος να αφήσει τη χώρα τους και να πάει στο Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο κάτω από την ηγεσία του προπονητή Raymond Domenech. Μετά την έλλειψή του κατανόησης με τους παίκτες του, το ομαδικό πνεύμα έχεις καταστραφεί, καθώς και κάθε παίκτης στη γαλλική ομάδα χρειάστηκε να αγωνιστεί για τον εαυτό του.
2010 World Cup: France Suffer Early Exit
Χάνοντας το πνεύμα της ενότητας για τη γαλλική ομάδα δεν είναι όλα. Το αποτέλεσμα της ανευθυνότητας της ομάδας δεν θα μπορούσε να περάσει απαρατήρητο.
Η Γαλλία πήρε ένα μόνο σημείο από το 3 αγώνες στάδιο της ομάδας τους, και ως εκ τούτου, ήταν υποχρεωμένη να τερματίσει όσο το κάτω μέρος της ομάδας Α του.
2010 World Cup: Italians Return Home Early
Η Ιταλία δεν βρίσκεται σε καλύτερη κατάσταση από τη Γαλλία ... Τους πετάξαν έξω από τον ανταγωνισμό στη φάση των ομίλων, και με μόλις 2 βαθμούς σε 3 αγώνες, που ολοκληρώνεται, επίσης, ως κάτω πλευρά της ομάδας τους. Αυτό ήταν αρκετά απροσδόκητη από το 2006, Παγκόσμιοι Πρωταθλητές.
2010 World Cup: Yakubu Makes Worst Miss
Όταν υποστηρίζεις μια ομάδα που πραγματικά πρέπει να κερδίσει για να επιβιώσουν σε ένα διαγωνισμό, και ο επιθετικός της ομάδας σας σπαταλά μια εύκολη ευκαιρία από 3 μέτρα, και ότι η ομάδα σου τελικά ακυρώθηκε, τότε μπορεί να είναι πραγματικά ενοχλητικό.
Αυτό ακριβώς συνέβη με το Super Eagles και τους υποστηρικτές της Νιγηρίας πλευράς ποδοσφαίρου. Δυστυχώς για Yakubu, ήταν αυτός που έχασε από 3 μέτρα ενώ είναι σαφές σε στόχο που δεν τον εκτροφέα να νικήσει. Καλά, χάνετε του εναντίον της Νότιας Κορέας σίγουρα τον έκανε πιο δημοφιλή, όμως το όνομά του μπήκε γρήγορα το αγγλικό λεξικό της Οξφόρδης, αλλά για μια αρνητική
The year 2010 presented entertaining and sizzling football stories related to some of the biggest names in world football. From cheating scandals to World Cup news, and from club transfers to club football surprises, the last 12 months have just presented a host of searing stories.
In this non-ranking article, we gather various genders of football yarns which made the headlines in 2010. Gathering the 100 top stories of the year obviously requires a decent organization so as to ease the list’s construction and avoid controversy. In effect, this slideshow is divided in 20 categories—consisting of the 20 different competitions and genders of the headlines mentioned.
Since the 2010 World Cup was the most important football subject of the year, readers may notice that this topic constitutes the major part of this article. Other subjects such as the Champions League, football transfers, and cheating scandals eventually form the rest of the list, with several other football-related themes.
Note: The following slides are organized in no particular order in terms of news importance or date.
Champions League: Barcelona 4-1 Arsenal
After impressively drawing 2-2 at the Emirates in the quarterfinals of the UEFA Champions League last season, a Fabregas-less Arsenal side were poised to stop FC Barcelona at the Camp Nou. The Gunners controversially took the lead through Nicklas Bendtner, but the match soon turned into a nightmare for Arsene Wenger’s army.
An uncontainable Lionel Messi immediately replied to put Barcelona back into the game, and by the time the referee blew the final whistle, Messi had already scored 4 trademark goals to crush the visitors 4-1 and push Barca into the semifinals of the competition.
Champions League: Inter Milan 3-1 Barcelona
Containing the likes of Jose Mourinho, Pep Guardiola, Lionel Messi, Xavi, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Samuel Eto’o, Wesley Sneijder, Lucio, Maicon, Dani Alves, Carlos Puyol and other important players—the first leg of the Inter Milan vs Barcelona match in the UEFA Champions League’s semifinals last season could not be an ordinary one.
Instead of ending beautifully though, its outcome sparked serious arguments between fans from both sides. Of course, the main source of the verbal war between the two teams was the referee.
Barca’s Pedro first snatched the opener, but controversial decisions from the official eventually allowed Wesley Sneijder, Maicon, and Diego Milito to give Inter Milan a high advantage ahead of the fixture’s second leg.
Read More after on this story: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/382144-cheats-inter-giving-barcelona-perfect-reminder-of-2009-ovrebo-episodeChampions League: Barcelona 1-0 Inter
The first leg of this match in last year’s UEFA Champions League semifinals caused Barcelona fans to illegally attack Portuguese coach Jose Mourinho. With such a bad behavior from the Barca fans, Pep Guardiola’s men knew they had to win so as to cool down the tension.
Indeed, they did so controversially, but a single goal from Gerard Pique was not enough to rescue Los Cules. In the end, they bowed out of the competition, as their hopes of lifting the Champions League trophy for a second time in a row ended.
Join the debate on this story, after: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/385794-inter-milan-beat-messi-and-barcelona-has-mourinho-done-the-impossibleChampions League: Real Madrid Loses To Lyon
It was not the plain fact that Real Madrid lost to Olympique Lyonnais which really made the headlines. Most especially, it was the fact that even after spending an unbelievable amount of money in the 2009 summer transfer window, Los Blancos still weren’t able to break their Round of 16 curse in the Champions League.
Subsequent to their draw away to Lyon in the first leg, Madrid had to get the needed result at the Bernabeu Stadium in the return leg. Cristiano Ronaldo gave Los Blancos the lead in the first half, but a disappointing Gonzalo Higuain failed to take his chances to place Real Madrid even further in front afterward. There were brief emergences of controversy in the second half, and finally, it was the Galacticos who paid the price for not leaving up to expectations.
Champions League: Inter Kick Out Chelsea
It is hard to believe that Chelsea have never won a Champions League title. Well, last season, they had another chance to try their luck in the European Cup, but they failed again. They however failed in a bizarre manner…
Guided by Carlo Ancelotti, the Blues were robbed on a second consecutive occasion in the Champions League; but this time, by an Inter Milan team powered by Jose Mourinho. Having already suffered a contentious defeat away to the San Siro, Chelsea were again enslaved at the Stamford Bridge. A goal from Samuel Eto’o sealed their fate in the competition, and next, the Blues only had to surrender.
Champions League: Man Utd Humble Milan in Italy
How many English teams have won against AC Milan at the San Siro in the UEFA Champions League? Not many, and Manchester United can be proud of the attainment they got last season, when they defeated the Italians 3-2 at the Giuseppe Mazza.
Milan first imposed themselves, but an in-form Wayne Rooney was just too good for the hosts.
Champions League: Bayern First Stun Manchester United
Probably, you also fell in Bayern Munich’s trap. When Manchester United were leading 1-0 after the hour mark in last season’s Champions League quarterfinals thanks to a Rooney goal, the majority of the game’s spectators certainly did not anticipate a Bayern comeback.
A wicked deflection from Rooney himself and a very late decider from Olic however changed what many would have initially looked upon as the match’s “deserved result”.
Champions League: Bayern Finish Manchester United
The first leg might have not been too pretty in the eyes of Manchester United followers, but the beginning of the second leg went pretty much in their favor. An early 3-0 score line at the Old Trafford owing to Nani’s superb influence almost killed the visitors.
Bayern Munich nevertheless fought back with everything they had; and in the long run, they got the final laugh by means of 2 goals from Olic and Robben.
Champions League: United Humiliate Milan
The first leg of the AC Milan-Manchester United game was already not positive for the Italians, but the return leg proved to be even more terrible. Rooney again led the Red Devils to victory, helping his side to score 4 goals against their visitors at the Old Trafford.
Milan were clearly humiliated...
Champions League: Inter Milan Win Trophy
Since the UEFA Champions League is the most followed club football competition in the world, its final matches are always highly popular. The 2009/10 Champions League final was no different in terms of media attraction, and both finalists (Inter Milan and Bayern Munich) were given the opportunity to expand their respective army of worldwide fans.
The final at the Bernabeu Stadium was not a disappointing one, and after 90+ minutes of proceedings, 2 goals from Argentine striker Diego Milito gave Inter the victory. It was their first Champions League title since 1965.
Champions League: Surprises Sprout Out Of Draws
Notwithstanding the strangeness behind the repeated fixtures in this season’s Champions League Round of 16, the outcome of the recent draw certainly brought interesting upcoming matches which we can already wait for with impatience.
Arsenal-Barcelona, Real Madrid-Lyon, Inter Milan-Bayern Munich... These football fixtures are just mouth-watering.
2010 World Cup: Obama Receives Warning Upon Coming
The US President had stated a few weeks before the World Cup that he would come and see his country play in the tournament only if they crossed the group stage. Despite South Africa’s efforts to deploy several thousands of policemen throughout the areas influenced by the tournament’s occurrence, the Police Commissioner of South Africa strongly recommended that Obama stayed away from the hosting country due to security reasons.
National team players usually appreciate the live support of their leaders during international matches; but in the case of the North Americans, they just had to forget about their president’s presence at the World Cup. Fortunately for them, they had another prominent personality to cheer them up in their Last 16 game against Ghana: Bill Clinton.
2010 World Cup: K’naan And Shakira Reveal Songs
Music is one the world’s most useful source of entertainment. As in many previous competitions, FIFA consented to brighten the 2010 World Cup with official songs, and their main choices fell on the following 2 artists: K’naan and Shakira.
K’naan’s Wavin’ Flag made a hit worldwide; its Spanish version featuring David Bisbal was also very much welcomed by the public. Shakira then released her tune Waka Waka, which turned out to be the tournament’s core official song. The Colombian artist’s nationality caused some Africans to reject the song, but all the same, its video clip ended up being one of YouTube’s most viewed videos ever.
Know more on the massive success of Shakira's Waka Waka on Youtube: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/430270-shakiras-sway-official-waka-waka-video-clip-makes-shakira-youtube-star2010 World Cup: Nike Releases Ad And Generate Mysterious Ideas
Nike’s famous 2010 World Cup video advert gave watchers strange ideas about the episodes which were about to enfold in South Africa. The destinies of Drogba, Cannavaro, Rooney, Ribery, and Cristiano Ronaldo in the competition were all questioned. Predictions and analysis spread out swiftly; yet the company never agreed to give a full, convincing explanation of the mystery behind the commercial.
2010 World Cup: Tournament Pre-Ceremony
South Africa were willing to conquer millions of music lovers with the 2010 World Cup, and they did. It took them a lot of money and work to accomplish their task, but what counted in the end was the result of their labor.
The Black Eyed Peas, Angelique Kidjo, John Legend, Alicia Keys, K’naan, and Shakira were all invited at the World Cup’s pre-ceremony, and that night—on June 10—not many televisions were inoperative.
2010 World Cup: Tournament’s Kick-Off
The 2010 World Cup kicked-off with a well-organized ceremony, enlightened by the presence of renowned African artists and American star R. Kelly. The tournament’s first match also saw the South African national team and the Mexican national team get into action.
The opening game ended in a 1-1 draw—with football websites benefiting from a high increase in their number of visitors that day. There were also reports that the tournament’s kick-off had submitted Akamai’s network to its highest ever delivered traffic.
See match analysis: http://www.livesoccertv.com/news/977/2010-world-cup-south-africa-vs-mexico-post-match-analysis/2010 World Cup: Green Gaff
England started the first minutes of their campaign in the 2010 World Cup finals superbly, with Steven Gerrard putting the Three Lions ahead of USA by a goal to nil after only 4 minutes. The party was however spoiled for the English as goalkeeper Robert Green failed to catch the easiest of balls moments after.
A disgraceful gaff took away 2 precious points from Group C’s favorites, and this grimly affected the standings in the group.
2010 World Cup: Podolski Misses Germany Penalty
Germany have long been regarded as the side expert in penalties. To be sure, they were good in penalties—having never failed to convert from the spot since 1974 at a World Cup in a non-shootout sequence, but their 26-year penalty record ended at the 2010 World Cup in a group stage match against Serbia, on June 18, subsequent to a miss from Podolski.
2010 World Cup: Ghana First African Winners
South Africa, Nigeria, and Algeria all failed to get 3 points out of their first games at the World Cup. The tournament’s hosts drew their first match 1-1 with Mexico, the Super Eagles lost 1-0 to Argentina, while the North Africans lost 1-0 to Slovenia.
The Black Stars of Ghana however managed to triumph 1-0 over Serbia on June 13, thanks to a late penalty from Asamoah Gyan. This made the majority of Africans proud.
2010 World Cup: Spain Loses Switzerland
Spain had an impressive undefeated run under their coach Del Bosque. They got a 100% record in their World Cup qualification campaign; nonetheless, they were stunned in their opening game in South Africa. They lost 1-0 to Switzerland in a match were they were by far the better side.
2010 World Cup: Big Shock, SA 0-3 Uru
South Africa do not have the best football players, but they are still a side not to under-estimate. Especially looking at their opening encounter against Mexico, they were anticipated to give Uruguay a tough time on Day 2. Surprisingly, they lost 3-0 to the South Americans after conceding goals from Diego Forlan and Pereira. What a shock that was…
2010 World Cup: France Team Loses Stability
The French FA probably made a mistake to let their country go to the World Cup under the leadership of Coach Raymond Domenech. Subsequent to his lack of understanding with his players, the team spirit got destroyed, and every player in the French squad had to fight for himself.
The news somehow sounded funny to many neutral fans, but for the French supporters, it was a matter of disappointment. In fact, this dilemma had come at a very bad time.
2010 World Cup: France Suffer Early Exit
Losing their spirit of unity wasn’t all for the French squad. The result of the team’s irresponsibility couldn’t have gone unseen.
France got a single point out of their 3 group stage matches, and therefore, they were bound to finish as Group A’s bottom side.
2010 World Cup: Italians Return Home Early
Italy didn’t enjoy a better World Cup than France… They also got kicked out of the competition in the group stage, and with only 2 points in 3 matches, they also finished as their group’s bottom side. This was quite unexpected from the 2006 World Champions.
2010 World Cup: Yakubu Makes Worst Miss
When you support a team which really needs to win to survive in a competition, and that your team’s striker squanders an easy chance from 3 yards, and that your team eventually gets disqualified—then it can be really disturbing.
That is exactly what happened to the Super Eagles and the supporters of the Nigerian football side. Sadly for Yakubu, he was the one who missed from 3 yards while being clear on goal with no keeper to beat. Well, his miss against South Korea certainly made him more popular, as his name quickly entered the Oxford English Dictionary—but for a negative meaning, of course.
2010 World Cup: Donovan Sends USA In Round 2
ΗΠΑ υπέστη ο φόβος τον ομίλων του Παγκοσμίου Κυπέλλου 2010. Εφιστούν πρώτο παιχνίδι τους στην Αγγλία, αλλά στο τελευταίο παιχνίδι εναντίον της Αλγερίας, μια καθυστερημένη νικητής από το Λονδίνο Donovan έστειλε τους Αμερικανούς, μέσω του "Γύρου των 16
2010 World Cup: “Lamb” Kaka Gets Sent Off
.Κακά συνήθως περιγράφεται ως οπειθαρχημένος παίκτης που είναι δίκαιος στον αγωνιστικό χώρο, καθώς και εκτός αγωνιστικού χώρου. Λοιπόν, στη φάση των ομίλων αγώνα του κατά της Ακτής του Ελεφαντοστού, ο διαιτητής φάνηκε να δει κανένας από καλές πλευρές του, και δεν δίστασε να του δείξει κόκκινη κάρτα μετά από το δόσιμο του 2 κρατήσεις.
Η επίσημη αυτή, ωστόσο, λάθος στις αποφάσεις του, και Kader Keita ήταν στην πραγματικότητα ο κακόβουλος άνθρωπος φταίει. Λοιπόν, αυτό έκανε μεγάλη είδηση σχετικά με διάσημο ιστοσελίδες ποδοσφαίρου? Αλλά, βεβαίως, την κόκκινη κάρτα δεν πήρε ποτέ ανακτηθεί.
2010 World Cup: Ghana Beats USA, AGAIN
ΗΠΑ εξέφρασαν παράπονα ότι λήστεψαν στο τελευταίο παιχνίδι φάσης των ομίλων τους για το Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο του 2006 κατά της Γκάνα. Έτσι, είχαν την ελπίδα να πάρω εκδίκηση εναντίον των Black Stars "Γύρου των 16 του 2010 FIFA World Cup.
Ο πρώην ηγέτης του Μπιλ Κλίντον πήρε τον εαυτό του μια θέση στο γήπεδο, αλλά παρά όλη την υποστήριξη και την ψυχική δύναμη που είχαν πίσω τους, οι Αμερικανοί δεν μπορούσαν να ταπεινωθεί ένα «άπειρο» Γκάνα πλευρά. 1-1 ήταν το σκορ γραμμή μετά από 90 λεπτά? Ως εκ τούτου, επιπλέον χρόνο έλαβε χώρα. Όμως, η επί 30 ακόμη λεπτά ευνόησε τους Αφρικανούς, όπως Asamoah Gyan έδειξε και πάλι το ταλέντο του, δίνοντας Γκάνα τη νίκη με μια παγκόσμιας κλάσης νικητήριο γκολ.
2010 World Cup: England Robbed In Last 16
Η τεχνολογία γραμμή τέρματος έχει ένα μεγάλο θέμα συζήτησης κατά τη διάρκεια των τελευταίων ετών. Το θέμα αυτό εντάθηκε κατά τη διάρκεια του Παγκοσμίου Κυπέλλου 2010, ιδιαίτερα όταν η Αγγλία πήρε ένα γκολ κακώς απαγορευμένες κατά της Γερμανίας λόγω του "Γύρου των 16 του Παγκοσμίου Κυπέλλου 2010.
Όλα συνέβησαν όταν ο Φρανκ Λάμπαρντ της Τσέλσι έβαλε φωτιά σε ένα πλάνο goalward μεγάλου βεληνεκούς κατά το πρώτο εξάμηνο στο επίπεδο της εγκοπής με 2-2. Ο πυροβολισμός ήταν ακριβείς, και κατά συνέπεια κερδίσει το γερμανικό τερματοφύλακα. Η μπάλα δεν χτύπησε το πίσω μέρος του διχτυού και αν, αλλά χαστούκισαν το cross-bar και στη συνέχεια πέρασε την γραμμή τέρματος, καθώς έπεσε στο γρασίδι.
Ο διαιτητής ακατανόητες, ωστόσο απέκλεισε το γκολ? Και λίγο μετά, αμφιλεγόμενη απόφαση του ήταν η πηγή της εξαγριωμένο επιχειρήματα από τα αγγλικά θαυμαστές σε όλο το διαδίκτυο.
2010 World Cup: Germany Disgrace England In Last 16
Αγγλία θεωρήθηκαν αρχικά ως φαβορί στο Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο. Η winless πλευρά δεν είχε τίποτα να εκθέσετε στη φάση των ομίλων και αν, και της Νοτίου Αφρικής τουρνουά Γύρου των 16 ", υπέστησαν μια από τις χειρότερες εφιάλτες που είχαν ποτέ.
Είχαν trounced από 4 γκολ στο 1, μετά αναρωτιέται από Κλόζε, Podolski και Muller. Φυσικά, τα βρετανικά μέσα ενημέρωσης έκανε σπουδαία δουλειά στην κάλυψη αυτού του βόμβα.